Model 28129 Series
DECT6.0 Cordless Handset
Answering System
User’s Guide
Your new GE telephone system is EXPANDABLE up to a total of 6 handsets
(by purchase of optional Model 28101 handset with charge cradle)
The telephone company may make changes in its communications facilities, equipment,
operations or procedures where such action is required in the operation of its business and
not inconsistent with FCC Rules and Regulations. If these changes are expected to affect the
use or performance of your telephone equipment, the telephone company must give you
adequate notice, in writing, to allow you to maintain uninterrupted service.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference; and (ꢀ) This device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
Privacy of Communications may not be ensured when using this product.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna (that is, the antenna for radio or television
that is “receiving” the interference).
• Reorient or relocate and increase the separation between the telecommunications
equipment and receiving antenna.
• Connect the telecommunications equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiving antenna is connected.
If these measures do not eliminate the interference, please consult your dealer or an
experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Also, the Federal
Communications Commission has prepared a helpful booklet, “How To Identify and Resolve
Radio/TV Interference Problems.” This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, D.C. ꢀ040ꢀ. Please specify stock number 004-000-00345-4 when ordering
Notice: The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This telephone system meets FCC standards for Hearing Aid Compatibility.
Licensed under US Patent 6,4ꢀ7,009.
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of ꢀ0
centimeters between the radiator and your body. This transmitter must not be co-located or
operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.”
For body worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure
guidelines when used with the belt clip supplied with this product. Use of other accessories
may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.
iNforMATioN for DECT ProDUCT
This telephone is compliant with the DECT 6.0 standard which operates in the
1.9ꢀGHz to 1.93GHz frequency range. Installation of this equipment is subject
to notification and coordination with UTAM. Any relocation of this equipment
must be coordinated through and approved by UTAM. UTAM may be contacted
at 1-800-4ꢀ9-88ꢀ6.
set CYCle time ...........................................20
set alarm meloDY ....................................20
Phone settings...............................................20
language ....................................................21
Date/time ...................................................21
set area CoDe...........................................21
Default setting .........................................22
sounD settings ..............................................22
equalizer ....................................................22
ringer tone ...............................................23
ringer Volume...........................................23
keY tone.....................................................23
EquipmEnt ApprovAl informAtion .................2
intErfErEncE informAtion.............................3
HEAring Aid compAtibility (HAc) .................4
licEnsing .....................................................4
fcc rf rAdiAtion ExposurE stAtEmEnt ........4
informAtion for dEct product ..................4
tAblE of contEnts .......................................5
tAblE of contEnts .......................................6
tAblE of contEnts .......................................7
introduction ...............................................8
Before You Begin .............................................8
Parts CheCklist ...........................................8
telePhone JaCk requirements.........................9
instAllAtion .................................................9
Digital seCuritY sYstem ...................................9
imPortant installation guiDelines ..............10
HAndsEt lAyout ................................. 10, 11
bAsE lAyout...............................................12
instAlling tHE pHonE..................................13
installing the hanDset BatterY...................13
Base station....................................................14
Wall mounting..............................................15
AnswEring systEm sEtup ............................15
setting the VoiCe PromPt language ..........15
language ....................................................16
reCorDing the outgoing announCement ..16
reVieWing the announCement......................16
auDiBle quiCk setuP guiDe..........................16
progrAmming informAtion .........................17
text entrY:..................................................17
progrAmming tHE bAsE...............................17
ansWerer on/off ....................................17
seCuritY CoDe............................................18
message alert ...........................................18
rings to ansWer .......................................18
message length ........................................19
alarm ...............................................................19
set alarm time..........................................19
snooze ........................................................20
Bluetooth setuP ........................................24
ConneCt (anD Pair) ...................................24
mY DeViCes .................................................24
mY Base ......................................................25
progrAmming tHE HAndsEt .........................25
alarm ...............................................................25
set alarm time..........................................26
snooze ........................................................26
set CYCle time ...........................................26
set alarm meloDY ....................................26
Phone setting ................................................27
language ....................................................27
set time ......................................................27
set area CoDe...........................................28
hanDset name ...........................................28
registration ...............................................29
Deregistration ...........................................29
gloBal De-registration ...........................29
Default setting .........................................30
sounD setting ................................................30
equalizer ....................................................30
ringer tone ...............................................31
ringer Volume...........................................31
keY tone.....................................................31
AnswEring systEm opErAtion .....................32
ansWerer on/off .........................................32
mailBox inDiCator ..........................................32
leaVing a message .........................................32
sCreening Calls from the Base...................32
memorY full...................................................32
message PlaYBaCk..........................................33
leaVing a memo..............................................34
AnswEring systEm rEmotE AccEss ..............34
remote aCCess from CorDless hanDset....34
memorY full...................................................35
tElEpHonE opErAtion .................................35
Visual inDiCators ...........................................35
Charge/in use inDiCator
making a lanDline Call When
talking to Cell Call ..........................39
making a Cell Call When
talking to lanD line Call .................39
ConferenCe .....................................................39
Call timer .......................................................40
auto stanDBY..................................................40
flash/Call Waiting ......................................40
last numBer reDial.......................................40
Paging from the Base/grouP Page.......41
ringer Volume (shortCut)............................41
Do not DisturB (DnD) ...............................42
cAllEr id (cid).........................................42
Call Waiting Caller iD................................42
CiD error CoDes...........................................43
reCeiVing CiD reCorDs .................................43
storing CiD reCorDs (in CiD memorY).....43
reVieWing CiD reCorDs................................43
Dialing a CiD numBer ..................................43
formatting a CiD numBer Before Dialing44
storing CiD reCorDs into Phone Book ....44
Deleting a CiD reCorD.................................45
cAll rEcords.............................................45
reCeiVeD Calls...........................................45
DialeD Calls ..............................................46
pHonE book...............................................46
for Base ..........................................................46
aDDing Phone Book entries...................46
storing the last numBer DialeD ................48
inserting a Pause in the
on the Base..........................................35
talk inDiCator anD sPkr inDiCator
on the hanDset ...................................35
VmWi inDiCator on hanDset
anD the Base........................................35
sPeakerPhone oPeration...............................35
Volume settings.............................................36
making a Call.................................................36
lanDline Calls...........................................36
Cellular Calls ..........................................36
Chain Dialing from memorY...................37
ansWering a Call ..........................................37
lanDline Calls...........................................37
Cellular Calls ..........................................37
reCeiVing a lanDline Call
During a Cellular Call......................38
reCeiVing a Cellular Call
During a lanDline Call......................38
reCeiVing lanD line Call anD
Cell Call simultaneouslY..................38
aVailaBle oPtions During a lanDline Call38
interCom ......................................................39
aVailaBle oPtions During a Cell Call ......39
interCom ......................................................39
transfer to Cell........................................39
Dialing sequenCe(of a storeD numBer).....48
reVieWing Phone Book reCorDs .................48
eDiting a Phone Book reCorD.....................49
Deleting a Phone Book reCorD..................49
managing the reCorD grouPing
in Phone Book................................................49
aDDing the Phone Book entries
in DesireD grouP................................50
Deleting the Phone Book entries in
HAndsEt sound signAls .............................58
troublEsHooting guidE..............................59
telePhone solutions ................................59
Caller iD solutions.................................61
BatterY solutions.....................................61
cAusEs of poor rEcEption..........................61
gEnErAl product cArE ..............................62
wArrAnty AssistAncE.................................62
limitEd wArrAnty......................................63
AccEssory informAtion ..............................64
indEx .........................................................65
DesireD grouP.....................................50
set grouP ring.........................................50
Changing the grouP name .....................50
managing sPeeD Dialing reCorD ................50
aDDing the sPeeD Dialing numBer ........50
eDiting the sPeeD Dialing numBer.........51
Deleting the sPeeD Dialing numBer......51
transferring the Phone Book
reCorD BetWeen hanDset(s) anD Base .........51
ExtrA fEAturEs ..........................................52
room monitoring ..........................................52
interCom oPeration .......................................52
hanDset to hanDset interCom Call......52
reCeiVing an interCom Call ....................53
Push to talk...............................................53
aDDing a reminDer....................................54
set snooze.................................................54
set CYCle time ...........................................55
set alarm meloDY ....................................55
reVieWing anD eDiting
the reminDer reCorD .........................55
Deleting a reminDer reCorD...................55
connEcting tHE bElt clip...........................56
cHAnging tHE bAttEry ................................56
bAttEry sAfEty prEcAutions .......................56
displAy mEssAgEs .......................................57
CAUTioN: When using telephone equipment, there are basic
safety instructions that should always be followed. refer to the
iMPorTANT SAfETY iNSTrUCTioNS provided with this product
and save them for future reference.
iMPorTANT: Because cordless phones operate on electricity,
you should have at least one phone in your home that isn’t
cordless, in case the power in your home goes out.
Before You Begin
Parts Checklist (for model 28129xx2)
Make sure your package includes the items shown here.
2 Handsets
charge cradle
line cord
2 Handset
AC power
battery packs
2 Battery
Wall mount
2 Belt clips
For Model 28129xx3 there will be oNE additional handset, charge cradle,
belt clip, battery pack and cover than shown.
For Model 28129xx4 there will be TWo additional handsets, charge cradle,
belt clips, battery packs and covers than shown.
For Model 28129xx5 there will be THrEE additional handsets, charge cradle,
belt clips, battery packs and covers than shown.
For Model 28129xx6 there will be foUr additional handsets, charge cradle,
belt clips, battery packs and covers than shown.
Wall plate
Telephone Jack requirements
To use this phone, you need an RJ11C type modular telephone
jack, which might look like the one pictured here, installed in your
home. If you don’t have a modular jack, call your local phone
company to find out how to get one installed.
line jack
Digital Security System
Your cordless phone uses a digital security system to protect against false ringing,
unauthorized access, and charges to your phone line.
iNSTALLATioN NoTE: Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies
that may cause or receive interference with nearby Tvs, microwave
ovens, and vCrs. To minimize or prevent such interference, the base of the
cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of a Tv, microwave
ovens, or vCr. if such interference continues, move the cordless telephone
farther away from these appliances.
Certain other communications devices may also use the 1.9 GHz frequency
for communication, and, if not properly set, these devices may interfere
with each other and/or your new telephone. if you are concerned with
interference, please refer to the owner’s manual for these devices on how
to properly set channels to avoid interference. Typical devices that may
use the 1.9 GHz frequency for communication include wireless audio/video
senders, wireless computer networks, multi-handset cordless telephone
systems, and some long-range cordless telephone systems.
important installation Guidelines
Avoid sources of noise and heat, such as motors, fluorescent lighting, microwave
ovens, heating appliances and direct sunlight.
Avoid areas of excessive dust, moisture and low temperature.
Avoid other cordless telephones or personal computers.
Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm.
Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically
designed for wet locations.
Never touch non-insulated telephone wires or terminals, unless the telephone line
has been disconnected at the network interface.
Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines.
HANDSET LAYoUT (side views)
Push to Talk
visual Message
Waiting indicator
(CALLEr iD/5button)
(Soft Key right)
(Soft Key Left)
Sound quality/4
PHoNE BooK/3
TALK (button)
(speaker button)
skip (button)
repeat (button)
play-stop (button)
# PAUSE/ringer
erase (button)
visual Message
Waiting (indicator)
(Soft Key Left)
(caller iD
(Soft Key right)
/ 4(button)
ANNoUNCE (button)
off (button)
MEMo (button)
voLUME +/-
Do NoT
MUTE (button)
installing the Handset Battery
NoTE: You must connect the handset battery before using the
cordless handsets.
CAUTioN: To reduce the risk of fire or personal injury, use only
the Thomson inc. approved model 5-2721 Nickel-metal Hydride
battery (Ni-MH), which is compatible with this unit.
1. Locate battery and battery door which are packaged together inside a plastic bag
and are separate from the handset.
ꢀ. Locate the battery compartment on the back of the handset.
3. Plug the battery pack cord into the jack inside the compartment.
NoTE: To ensure proper battery installation, the connector is keyed
and can be inserted only one way.
red wire
black wire
4. Insert the battery pack.
5. Close the battery compartment by pushing the door up until it snaps into place.
Base Station
1. Choose an area near an electrical outlet and a telephone wall jack (RJ11C), and
place your cordless telephone on a level surface, such as a desktop or tabletop,
or you may mount it on the wall.
ꢀ. Install 4 AAA-size alkaline batteries (not included) for back up power in the event
of a power failure.
• Press the tab to open the battery compartment door located on the back of
the phone.
• Insert the batteries as shown on the diagram inside the battery compartment.
• Insert the tabs into place and snap the battery compartment door closed.
NoTE: if LOW BATTERY appears in the base display, you need to
replace the back up batteries. it is important that you replace them
as soon as possible to maintain unit operation when electrical
power is off. As a precaution, you may want to write down any
stored information you do not want erased.
CAUTioN: To reduce risk of personal injury, fire, or damage
use only the 5-2760 power adaptor listed in the user’s guide.
This power adaptor is intended to be correctly orientated in a
vertical or floor mount position.
iMPorTANT: if you are not going to use the telephone for more
than 30 days, remove the batteries because they can leak and
damage the unit.
3. Plug one end of the telephone line cord into the TEL LINE jack on the back of the
base and the other end into a modular jack.
4. Plug the AC power converter into the electrical outlet and the DC connector into
the jack on the bottom of the base.
5. Place the handset in the base cradle. The CHARGE IN USE indicator turns on,
verifying the battery is charging.
After the Handset and Base have been powered up, the base displays the Date/
Time set up screen for entry. You MUST enter the date/time prior to operating the
6. Use the number keys to enter the year and the date.
7. Press the Next (SKL) button to move to Set Time menu.
8. Use the number keys to enter the time and use the
to select AM or PM.
9. Press the Store (SKL) button to save the settings. You will hear a confirmation tone.
10.Allow the phone to charge for 16 hours prior to first use. if you don’t properly
charge the phone, battery performance is compromised.
Wall Mounting
1. Turn the base over.
ꢀ. Attach the wall mounting pedestal by first inserting the tabs on the open edge of
the pedestal into the slots on the lower portion of the bottom of the base. Then
push down and snap the pedestal into place.
3. Slip the mounting holes (on the back of the base) over the wall plate posts, and
slide the unit down into place. (Wall plate not included.)
NoTE : if desired, gather the extra telephone line and power
adaptor cord and store inside the wall mounting bracket.
This section shows you how to set up your answering system to receive incoming
Setting the voice Prompt Language
The voice prompt language on the base is the same as the display prompt language
on the base. If you select Spanish as your voice prompt language on the base, the
display prompt language will also be Spanish. The default prompt language is English
NoTE: The voice prompt language of the handset is determined by
the voice prompt language set on the base. However the handset
display prompt is set oNLY through the handset.
1. Make sure your base is off (not in talk mode).
ꢀ. Press the Menu (SKL) button to enter the main menu.
3. Use the
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the submenu.
5. Use the or button to scroll to Language.
6. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
7. Use the or button to scroll to the desired language. The default is ENGLISH.
button to scroll to Phone Settings.
8. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
recording the outgoing Announcement
For best results when recording, you should be about nine inches from the
microphone, and eliminate as much background noise as possible.
1. Make sure your base is off (not in talk mode) and the answering system is oN.
ꢀ. Press and hold the ANNOUNCE button until screen displays ANNOUNCEMENT
3. Begin speaking after you hear the beep.
4. Release the button when you finish your announcement.
NoTE: To return to the default announcement after you
have recorded your own outgoing announcement, press the
ANNoUNCE button and release it when you hear the beep or while
announcement is playing, press the DELETE button.
Sample outgoing Announcement
Hi, this is (use your name here), We can’t answer the phone right now, so please
leave your name, number and a brief message after the tone, and we’ll get back to
you soon. Thanks.
NoTE: The maximum recording time for the outgoing
announcement is 2 minutes.
reviewing the Announcement
Press and release the ANNOUNCE button to review your outgoing announcement.
Audible quick Setup Guide
If you need additional assistance; while in standby mode, press the REPEAT button on
the base and follow the voice instructions.
The base and/or handset menus give you access to all of the built-in features.
NoTE: Menu settings on the handset and on the base are separate
and do not interface with each other, which means changing menu
settings on the base affects ONLY the settings on the base.
Press the Menu (SKL) button to display the menu options,
then press the
button to navigate to the desired option.
Press the Select (SKL) button to activate a menu option. For details on programming,
refer to the applicable section. During programming, you may press the Back (SKR)
button at any time to exit the menu and keep the previous setting.
NoTE: You can press END/cancel button at any time to go back to
standby mode.
Text Entry:
Use the number keys to enter characters. More than one letter is stored in each of the
number keys. For example, press the ꢀ key twice for the letter B. Press the 1 key to
insert a space. Press the *TONE button to toggle between upper and lower case.
NoTE: if you make a mistake, use the DELETE/flash button to
backspace and delete one character at a time.
In the Answerer Menu, there are five programmable submenus: Answerer On/Off,
Security Code, Message Alert, Rings to Answer and Message Length.
1. Make sure your base is off (not in talk mode).
ꢀ. Press the Menu (SKL) button and Answerer shows on the display.
3. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the submenu.
Answerer on/off
This menu allows you to activate/deactivate the answering system.
from the Answerer menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Answerer On/Off.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the submenu.
3. Use the
button to select On or Off. The default setting is On.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a voice
announcement of confirmation.
Security Code
You can access the answering system from a tone-dial telephone in another
(remote) location. The security code is required for remote access, and it prevents
unauthorized access to your answering system.
from the Answerer menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Security Code.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu. The current security code shows
on the display.
3. Use the number keys to enter your new 3-digit security code. The default setting is
1 2 3.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation tone.
Message Alert
This feature sets your answering system to sound an alert tone from the base every
10 seconds when there are new messages.
from the Answerer menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the submenu.
3. Use the or button to select On or Off. The default setting is Off.
button to scroll to Message Alert.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation tone
rings to Answer
This feature lets you select the number of times you want the phone to ring before
the answering system answers the call.
from the Answerer menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the submenu.
3. Use the or
button to scroll to Rings to Answer.
button to scroll and select from 3 Rings to 6 Rings or Toll Save
(TS). The default setting is 5 Rings.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
NoTE: if you select ToLL SAvE, the unit answers after the 3rd ring
if there are NEW messages in the answering system, or the unit
answers after the 6th ring if there are No new messages. Then, when
you access the answering system from another remote location, you
may hang up after 5 rings to save long distance charges.
Message Length
This option allows you to set the duration for the memo or incoming message
from the Answerer menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the submenu.
3. Use the or
button to scroll to Message Length.
button to scroll and select from 1 minute to 3 minutes or No
Limit. The default setting is 3 minutes.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
NoTE: The total recording time of this unit is 15 minutes.
Set an alarm, then program the snooze time, occurance, and melody preferences.
1. Make sure your base is off (not in talk mode).
ꢀ. Press the Menu (SKL) button to enter the main menu.
3. Use the
button to scroll to Alarm.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the submenu, Alarm On/Off shows on the
5. Use the
button to scroll to On or Off.
6. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
Set Alarm Time
NoTE: Alarm must be activated to set time.
from the Alarm On menu:
1. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu. Set Alarm shows on the display.
ꢀ. Use the number keys to enter the time, then use the
button to select
AM or PM. The default setting is 12:00AM.
3. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your setting. You will hear a confirmation tone.
from the Alarm On menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Snooze: Off.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu. Snooze On/Off shows on the
3. Use the
button to select from Off, Every 5 minutes, Every 10 minutes,
Every 15 mintues, or Every 30 minutes. Off is the default setting.
4. Press the Store (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
Set Cycle Time
from the Alarm On menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu. Alarm shows on the display.
3. Use the or button to select Once or Daily. The default setting is Once.
button to scroll to Cycle: Once.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
NoTE: if you select Daily, the system will follow the current time
setting to turn on the alarm.
Set Alarm Melody
from the Alarm On menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the or button to select desired melody.
button to scroll to Alarm Melody.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
Phone Settings
To program the following sub-menus;
1. Make sure your base is off (not in talk mode).
ꢀ. Press the Menu (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the
button to scroll to Phone Settings.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the submenu.
This menu allows you to change the language of the display and voice prompts on
the base.
from the Phone Settings menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the or button to scroll to the desired language. The default is English.
button to scroll to Language.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
NoTE: The voice prompt language is the same as the display
prompt language setting at the base.
from the Phone Settings menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Date/Time.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu. Date time setup shows on the
3. Use the number keys to enter the year and date.
4. Press Next (SKL) button to move to time setup.
5. Use the number keys to enter the time and use
to select AM or PM.
6. Press the Store (SKL) button to save the setting. You will hear a confirmation tone.
Set Area Code
If you enter your local 3-digit area code in the area code menu, your local area code
does not display on the Caller ID (CID) list. Instead, you only see the local 7-digit
number. Calls received from outside your local area code will display the full 10-digits
from the Phone Settings menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Set Area Code.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the number keys to enter your 3 digit area code. “ - - - “ is the default setting.
4. Press the Store (SKL) button to save the setting. You will hear a confirmation tone.
NoTE: To restore the default setting to “---”, press and release the
DELETE/fLASH button when Set Area Code shows on the display.
from the Phone Settings menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the or button to select Tone or Pulse. The default is Tone.
button to scroll to Tone/Pulse.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
Default Setting
This option allows you to return the base to factory preset settings.
from the Phone Settings menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the or button to scroll to No or Yes. The default is No.
button to scroll to Default Setting.
4. If you select Yes, all the settings in the programmable menu are returned to
factory default setting. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will
hear a confirmation tone.
Sound Settings
In the Sound Settings Menu, there are four programmable menus available: Equalizer,
Ring Tone, Ringer Volume and Key Tone.
1. Make sure your base is off (not in talk mode).
ꢀ. Press the Menu (SKL) button and use the
button to scroll to Sound
3. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
This feature lets you to adjust the audio quality.
from the Sound Settings menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the or button to scroll to desired selection. The default is Natural.
button to scroll to Equalizer.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
ringer Tone
You may choose from the 5 preset melodies and 10 dual-tone ringer tones.
NoTE: You may download an additional 5 MiDi ring tones with the
PC software.
from the Sound Settings menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Ringer Tone.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the
button to scroll to the desired melody ringer tone. The default is
Melody 1.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
ringer volume
You may choose ringer setting from this menu.
from the Sound Settings menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the or button to scroll to the desired ringer volume.
button to scroll to Ringer Volume.
The default is Level 5.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a
confirmation tone.
NoTE: if you turn the ringer OFF, RINGER OFF shows on the display
Key Tone
This feature allows you to set the key tone volume.
from the Sound Settings menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the or button to scroll to the desired key tone volume.
button to scroll to Key tone.
The default is Level 3.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a
confirmation tone.
Bluetooth Setup
This unit supports a maximum of two Bluetooth cell phone devices. To use your
Bluetooth cell phone device with the ꢀ81ꢀ9 system, you must activate Bluetooth on
your device and then pair the device to the base.
NoTE: Your Bluetooth cell phone device should be within 2 feet
to 10 feet from the base. if the device is too close it may create
undesired noise. if device is too far it will not pair.
1. Make sure your base is off (not in talk mode).
ꢀ. Press the Menu (SKL) button to enter the main menu.
3. Use the
button to scroll to Bluetooth.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the sub-menu. There are three
programmable menus: Connect, My Device, and My Base.
Connect (and Pair)
NoTE: When connecting for first time you must use the base menus
and not the quick Connect/Bluetooth button.
from the Bluetooth menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Connect.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
(refer to the instruction manual for your cell phone device on the proper
procedure to add and pair a new device.)
the base displays connect; Please wait...,
3. Use the number keys to enter the default PIN 0000 on your Bluetooth cell phone
device. When the device is paired successfully, the information shows on the base
display, e.g. NOKIA 6230 CONNECTED.
NoTE: if two cell phones have been registered, a prompt message
MAXIMUM DEVICES CONNECTED shows on the display.
My Devices
Change the device name or deregister a Bluetooth cell phone device from the base to
allow registration of another device.
from the Bluetooth menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to My Devices.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the sub-menu. A list of registered devices
shows on the display.
3. Use the
button to scroll to desired device.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to select.
To edit the name;
1. Use the
button to scroll to Edit Name.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to confirm, use the number keys to enter the cell
phone name (maximum 15 characters).
3. Press the Store (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
To deregister the device;
NoTE: once the device has been deregistered, you must reregister
it again in order to re-connect to base.
1. Use the
button to scroll to Deregister.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to confirm. Deregister? shows on the display.
3. Press the Yes (SKL) button to confirm.
My Base
from the Bluetooth menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to My Base, the information for the base shows
on the display.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to change the name or PIN code.
3. Press the Store (SKL) button to confirm.
NoTE: Menu settings on the handset and on the base are separate
and do not interface with each other, which means changing menu
settings on the handset affects ONLY the settings on the handset.
Set an alarm, then program the snooze time, occurance, and melody preferences.
1. Make sure your handset is off (not in talk mode).
ꢀ. Press the Menu (SKL) button to enter the main menu.
3. Use the
button to scroll to Alarm.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the submenu, Alarm On/Off shows on the
5. Use the
button to scroll to On or Off.
6. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
Set Alarm Time
NoTE: Alarm must be activated to set time.
from the Alarm On menu:
1. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu. Set Alarm shows on the display.
ꢀ. Use the number keys to enter the time, then use the
button to select
AM or PM. The default setting is 12:00AM.
3. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your setting. You will hear a confirmation
from the Alarm On menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Snooze: Off.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu. Snooze On/Off shows on the
3. Use the
button to select from Off, Every 5 minutes, Every 10 minutes,
Every 15 mintues, or Every 30 minutes. Off is the default setting.
4. Press the Store (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
Set Cycle Time
from the Alarm On menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu. Alarm shows on the display.
3. Use the or button to select Once or Daily. The default setting is Once.
button to scroll to Cycle: Once.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
NoTE: if you select Daily, the system will follow the current time
setting to turn on the alarm.
Set Alarm Melody
from the Alarm On menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the or button to select desired melody.
button to scroll to Alarm Melody.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
Phone Setting
There are seven programmable menus available: Language, Set Time, Set Area Code,
Handset Name, Registration, Deregistration and Default Setting.
1. Make sure your handset is off (not in talk mode).
ꢀ. Press the Menu (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the
button to scroll to Phone Settings.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the submenu.
This menu allows you to change the language of the display prompts on the handset.
NoTE: The voice prompt language of the handset is determined by
the voice prompt language set on the base.
from the Phone Setting menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the or button to scroll to the desired language. The default is English.
button to scroll to Language.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
NoTE: The voice prompt language is the same as the display
prompt language setting at the base.
Set Time
from the Phone Setting menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Set Time.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu. Set Time shows on the display.
3. Use the number keys to enter the year and date.
4. Press Next (SKL) button to move to time setup.
5. Use the number keys to enter the time and use
to select AM or PM.
6. Press the Store (SKL) button to save the setting. You will hear a confirmation tone.
Set Area Code
If you enter your local 3-digit area code in the area code menu, your local area code
does not display on the Caller ID (CID) list. Instead, you only see the local 7-digit
number. Calls received from outside your local area code will display the full 10-digits
from the Phone Setting menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Set Area Code.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the number keys to enter your 3 digit area code. “ - - - “ is the default setting.
4. Press the Store (SKL) button to save the setting. You will hear a confirmation tone.
NoTE: To restore the default setting to “---”, press and release the
DELETE/fLASH button when Set Area Code shows on the display.
Handset Name
This menu allows you to enter a name for the handset, which displays on the idle
from the Phone Setting menu:
1. Use the
button to scroll to Handset Name.
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the number keys to enter a name (up to 15 characters). More than one letter
is stored in each of the number keys. For example, to enter Bill Smith, press the
ꢀ key twice for the letter B. Press the 4 key 3 times for the letter I. Press the 5 key
3 times for the letter L. Wait for 1 second, press the 5 key 3 times for the second
letter L, and press the 1 key to insert a space between the first and last name.
Press the 7 key 4 times for the letter S; press the 6 key once for the letter M; press
the 4 key 3 times for the letter I. Press the 8 key for the letter T; press the 4 key
twice for the letter H.
4. Press the Store (SKL) button to save your selection. You will hear a confirmation
NoTE: if you make a mistake, use the DELETE button to backspace
and delete one character at a time.
from the Phone Setting menu:
1. Use the
ꢀ. Press the Select (SKL) button to enter the menu.
3. Use the or button to scroll to No or Yes. The default is No.
button to scroll to Registration.
4. Press the Select (SKL) button to save your selection.
5. If you select Yes, HOLD BASE MUTE WAIT FOR BEEP shows in the display. (Your
handset should be held near the base during registration process.)
6. Press and hold the MUTE button on the base. |